(suspended) Suspended Music

Now out on DVD. Includes Pauline Oliveros' Epigraphs in the Time of Aids with the Deep Listening Band and Ellen Fullman's Long String Instrument. Recorded at the Candy Factory in Austin TX. - (Periplum P0010 1997). "Best of the year" 1997 Sarah Cahill, Berkeley Express - Berkeley CA (1995)

Item number DLB-DVD-1; DVD $20.00 Out of Stock

The Long String Instrument

Provocative recording of an acoustic musical instrument consisting of a wooden box resonator with long strings extending from it at waist height. The strings are played with rosin covered hands. In Water Drip Drum (also on the LP) water drips into an amplified aluminum pan whose position is regulated by a foot pedal. The rhythm of the dripping is regulated by miniature valves. The pitch of the drum is also regulated by the performer.

Out of stock/Out of print

Body Music

Fullman explores the dimensionality of harmony and the concept of "Music as Sculpture" in this thoughtful, rich set of pieces performed on the Long String Instrument. The locations of the performers (besides Fullman, Danièle Massie and Scott Lehman) are organized so that the matrix of overtones, created when playing the wires, goes through transformations sequentially, in effect, "twisting space." "An incredible quietude flows out of this music...Listening, one becomes conscious of the inner workings of being..." Jean Christophe Ammann, Kunsthalle, Basil

Item number XI-CD-7; Compact disc $16.00

Staggered Stasis on The Aerial: Issue #3

Collection also includes works by Marc Barreca, Nicolas Collins, Peter Cusack, Tom Guralnick, Johanna M. Beyer, Zae Munn, Myra Melford & Marion Brandis, William Hooker and Leslie Dalaba.

Item number COMP-CD-5; Compact disc $16.00   
Item number COMP-C-3; Cassette tape $8.00  

on Suspended Music

"Texas Travel Texture with the Deep Listening Band and Ellen Fullman's Long String Instrument. Also includes Pauline Oliveros' Epigraphs in the Time of Aids. Recorded at the Candy Factory in Austin TX. - (Periplum P0010 1997). "Best of the year" 1997 Sarah Cahill, Berkeley Express - Berkeley CA (1995)

Item number DLB-CD-5; Compact disc $16.00 OUT OF STOCK


on Tosca Salad

A tasty variety of free improvisations excerpted from recordings of Deep Listening Band rehearsals and of the Band in concert. Band members Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster and David Gamper are featured exploiting the sonoric and spatial palette of the Expanded Instrument System. Performers Julie Lyon Rose, Fritz Hauser, Urs Leimgruber, Ben Neill, Joe McPhee, Joe Giardullo, Ellen Fullman, Nigel Jacobs and Elise Gould appear as guest artists. A wonderful chronological acoustic essay of the Band's work over the last two years. (1995)

Item number DL-CD-3; Compact disc $16.00 OUT OF STOCK


on Concerts By Composers

A sixty minute tape of excerpts from concert productions at Experimental Intermedia Foundation from 1986 through 1988. This series of concerts has been produced continuously since 1973. The series boasts over six hundred performances and represents more than three hundred composers and artists. This video tape contains two to four minute samples of the work of nineteen composers: Warren Burt, Joseph Celli, Nicolas Collins, David First, Ellen Fullman, Malcolm Goldstein, Daniel Goode, Shelley Hirsch with David Weinstein, Earl Howard, The Hub (Chris Brown, John Bischoff, Mark Trayle, Tim Perkis, Scott Gresham-Lancaster, Phill Stone), Peter Kotik, Guy Klucevsek, Ron Kuivila, Mary Jane Leach with Camilla Hoitenga, Christian Marclay, Phill Niblock, Ned Rothenberg, Elliott Sharp and Susan Stenger.

Item number NP-V-1; VHS video OUT OF STOCK

Ellen Fullman

Ellen Fullman was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1957. Since 1981, she has collaborated with engineers and instrument builders in experiments with wire, resonator boxes and tuning systems to produce an astounding installation, the Long String Instrument (which fills her warehouse studio.) In 1985, an LP of this same title was produced by Het Apollohuis on Apollo Records in the Netherlands. Fullman holds a BFA in Sculpture from the Kansas City Art Institute. She has presented her work in art spaces and museums in the U.S. and in Europe. She has been the recipient of several awards and commissions including: a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, an NEA Visual Artists Fellowship in New Genres, an NEA Interarts Artist's Project Grant, a New Forms Regional Initiative project grant with extended vocalist Tina Marsh and a Meet the Composer "Composer/Choreograper Project" Commission with choreographer Deborah Hay. "Texas Travel Texture", a full-length work for the Long String Instrument and the Deep Listening Band was commissioned by The Deep Listening Institute, Ltd, and made possible by a grant from the Meet the Composer commissioning program in partnership with the Lila Wallace Reader's Digest Fund and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Deep Listening® is a registered trademark of The Deep Listening Institute, Ltd